RAPID/CAST(R) is available to foundrymen to simulate casting processes. Part geometry may be imported from CAD or created with the included QuickBuilder module. Rigging design may quickly be optimized iteratively using Modulus-based QuickAnalysis. A finite difference method computational fluid dynamic program calculates mold filliing, heat transfer, and solidification kinetics. Defects such as microporosity due to gas evolution and macroporosity, and characteristics such as dendrite arm spacing, are predicted with both criteria and first-principle techniques. Pre- and post-processors are mouse driven, and feature advanced 3-D visualization of the part, and animation of the process.
Perry J. Yahn
Director, Metallurgical Services MountainTop Technologies, Inc. PO Box 5717 Johnstown, PA 15904 USA 814-266-3913 fax:814-266-3903 dfyock@aol.com