COMPAMM(R) (Computer Analysis of Machines and Mechanisms) is a general purpose program for the simulation of the kinematic and dynamic behavior of a wide range of planar and three-dimensional mechanisms. COMPAMM(R) is an interactive tool, allowing the user to control the simulated system via the user interface, using the mouse, at the same time its response is being calculated and displayed. The mechanism motion is displayed on the computer screen using high quality graphics including shading, multiple lights, texture mapping , multiple viewsÉ The program supports any type of joints, as well as springs, dampers, actuatorsÉ Besides the graphic representation, COMPAMM(R) outputs the displacements, velocities, accelerations and forces involved in the mechanism motion that can be displayed in x-y plots. The program also allows to detect the collisions between the different bodies of the mechanism.
Juan Tomás Celigueta
Applied Mechanics Department CEIT Po Manuel De Lardizabal, 15 San Sebastian, Guipuzcoa 20009 Spain 011-34-43-21-28-00 fax:011-34-43-21-30-76