PolyFEM performs direct structural analysis on Pro/ENGINEER solid geometry using the unique PolyFEM - Pro/ENGINEER Integration Module. Seamless PolyFEM menu selections assign model definitions, and fast, accurate results are delivered during the Pro/ENGINEER session.
PolyFEM model definitions, such as boundary conditions, are assigned directly to the solid geometry in Pro/ENGINEER. PolyFEM definitions affected by changes in the model geometry are quickly updated during the Pro/ENGINEER session.
PolyFEM integration extends existing design and analysis capabilities in Pro/ENGINEER, promoting integrated concurrent product engineering. Direct, complete data exchange through Pro/ENGINEER integration ensures data integrity, eliminates redundant activities, and reduces potenial for error.
Claudia Smith
Director of Marketing CADSI 2651 Crosspark Road Coralville, IA 52241 USA 319-626-6700 fax:319-626-3488 claudia@cadsi.com