ICM LYNX3(tm) is a preprocessing and postprocessing MCAE application interface that couples 3D solid modeling and visualization from ICM GMS(R) with 3D finite element analysis from ICM NASTRAN. The FEM mesh discretization may be derived interactively from the solid model. Comprehensive graphical presentation of the FEA results is supplied during postprocessing, including deformed and/or undeformed node and element plots with or without superimposed node and element numbers, translational and rotational restraints, color coded stress contour plots of over a dozen types of stresses or yield criteria, mode shape plots, or transient analysis plots -- all with full 3D viewing control options to enhance visualization of FEA results. The FEM/FEA preprocessing and postprocessing are accomplished via an easy-to-use human interface.

Lawrence L. Barinka

Interactive Computer Modeling, Inc.
PO Box 2280
Reston, VA 22090