MECHANISM/Pro(tm) enables Pro/ENGINEER(tm) users to create mechanical systems to: 1)Test the feasibility of various configurations, 2) calculate driving forces or torques needed to move the system at a desired rate, 3) detect interferences between components, 4) locate lock-up positions, 5) establish work space envelopes, 6) verify and evaulate motion paths, and 7) calculate component loads at joint positions. MECHANISM/Pro(tm) includes an interface to Pro/ENGINEER(tm) (developed by MDI with the Pro/DEVELOP(tm) toolkit), combined with ADAMS/Kinematics(tm), the embedded motin solver. For kinematics studies, MECHANISM/Pro(tm) functions as a self-contained simulation package.

Marilyn Lee

Marketing Coordinator
Mechanical Dynamics, Inc.
2301 Commonwealth Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105