SYSTUS(R) is a general-purpose finite element system designed to provide engineers with a complete modeling solution to a wide range of advanced industrial problems. In addition to its analysis capabilities (including linear or nonlinear, mechanics, dynamics, thermal analysis, electromagnetics), SYSTUS(R) offers a natural command language, advanced pre- and postprocessing features, a graphic interactive user interface, and open communication with major CAD/CAM softwares. Within the same product environment, specific tools are also available such as SYSWELD (thermal treatment, welding), SYSTHERM (advanced thermics), SYSMAGNA (electrotechnics), and SYSLIFE (life duration prediction).
Jean Held
Partner Program Manager FRAMASOFT+ CSI Tour Fiat 1 Place de la Coupole Paris la Defense, 92084 France 011-33-1-479-63500 fax:011-33-1-479-60025