ENDURE is a general purpose program for analyzing the fatigue life and fracture characteristics of engineering structures or components. The program employs various therories to determine crack initiation and propogation lives for fatigue problems and to evaluate stress intensity factor (K), J-integral, and energy release rate (G) for fracture problems. Dynamic and random load effects can also be included in the damage calculations. The program provides various analysis models and allows different types of load and material data descriptions such as those encountered in aerospace, offshore, and automotive industries. Stresses can be obtained directly from the finite element analysis (NISA II) or entered directly by the user. The crack initiation offers: multi-channel and multi-loadcase capabilities, complex multiaxial stress and out-of-phase fatigue simulations, etc.

Vipul R. Kinariwala

Chief Engineer
Engineering Mechanics Research Corp.
1607 East Big Beaver Road
Troy, MI 48083