Cimatron-SD is a parametric, feature-based solid modeling package made to facilitate the conceptual design process. Models are created as combinations of objects and design specific features such as rounds, chamfers, shells and holes. Design is aided by an intelligent 2D sketcher which logically suggests possible geometries with dynamic construction lines and arcs. The system's parametric nature means that with the simple change of any parameter, all related features are updated. Relationships can be re-defined at any time, providing complete design flexibility and control.
In addition, surface data can be read in from major CAD systems in IGES, DXF or VDA.
Eyal Dolev
Vice President of Product Marketing Cimatron Ltd. 11, Gush-Ezion Street Givat Shmuel, 53583 Israel 972-3-571-5171 fax:972-3-571-3065