
Cimatron90/MD is a 3D modeling and drafting system which incorporates all the features of Cimatron90/Draft as well as a complete range of 3D design features. The system also provides powerful tools to create, edit, manipulate and analyze a wide range of surface types and supports simple curves such as lines, arcs, conic sections and helixes, as well as 2D and 3D free-form curves Cubic, Beizer and NURBS. Other features include powerful blending and fillet capabilities, trim surfaces, and hole definition. And as part of the Cimatron90 system, Cimatron90/MD shares the single, unified database of all Cimatron90 modules.

Eyal Dolev

Vice President of Product Marketing
Cimatron Ltd.
11, Gush-Ezion Street
Givat Shmuel, 53583