The Conceptual Design & Rendering Software CDRS(R) is a unique computer-aided industrial design (CAID) tool, used to create concept models of automobile exteriors and interiors, other vehicles, consumer electronics, appliances and other products which have challenging freeform shapes. CDRS Version 6.0 sets new standards for curvature continuity which is essential for accurate surface modeling. The central advantage of CDRS is that product models made by creative designers in the concept phase are usable for the actual engineering and manufacturing of the product. This is possible because CDRS, while easy for creative designers to use, creates accurate and complete mathematical models which provide a common, computer-based language that facilitates simultaneous engineering.
Pamela Donaldson
Marketing Comm. Manager Evans & Sutherland, Inc. (Design Software Group) 580 Arapeen Drive PO Box 58700 Salt Lake City, UT 84158 USA 801-582-5847 fax:801-582-9413