DeskArtes Rapid Tools

A set of utilities for rapid prototyping users. They check the topology of a model, automatically correct gaps, remove multiple faces and detects other errors before converting it into STL format. Due to the graphical user interface it is easy to locate and correct the problems in tehmodel before sending it off to the rapid prototyping machine.

The following utilities are included:

*VDA2Tr/IGES2Tr descretize VDA-FS/IGES models into a set of triangles

*Tr2STL postprecesses triangulated models

*STLCut cuts big STL- models

*VDASelect splits large VDA-FS files

*Tr2Slice slices triangulated models (beeing implemented)

*TrOffs creates an offset surface to a triangulated model

(being developed)

Maria Nordgren

Product Manager
Deskartes 3D Computing Oy
Apollonkatu 3 C 17
00100 Helsinki, &lbreak;Finland