Jewel CAD

Jewel CAD is a practical CAD/CAM solution in the design intensive and extremely competitive jewelry industry. The need to handle complex freeform geometries, speed and ease of operation and realistic visualizations has defeated most traditional and general purpose solutions. Jewel CAD is an extremely new and specialized system developed in the jewelry industry that combines very easy-to-use features which creative designers will enjoy using. The immediate visualization of an idea, the ability to interact with it and see the changes instantly will capture and enhance design ideas. Jewel CAD means fast prototyping, more economic designs, effective communication of design ideas, and efficient management of designs.

Kenneth Lo

Synergie Acclaim Technologies
Jewellery CAD/CAM Ltd.
5/F Kimley Commercial
142-146 Queen's Rd., Central
Hong Kong, &lbreak;011-852-854-4688