Microstation and Microdraftsman provides mechanical engineers and drafting personnel an intelligent 2D/3D mechanical drafting/detailing package which conforms to the ANSI Standards (American National Standards Institue).
The fully integrated drafting package features geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, drafting (ANSI Y14.5M-1982), welding symbols (ANSI Y14.5M-1982/Y14.36-1976), and an extensive symbol library (ANSI B18 Series) that contains 2D nuts, bolts, and washers that can be displayed in English or metric units in both front and side views.
Users can also access standard steel tables or parametrically define their own section data with Microdraftsman's section library. Time spent on repetitive drawing functions is dramatically reduced.
Kim Corbridge
Product Marketing Manager Intergraph Corporation MS GD 3000 Huntsville, AL 35806 USA 205-730-3701 fax:205-730-3453 kcorbrid@ingr.com