MEGAVISION is Matra Datavision's special product for the visualization of space allocation and spatial interference in complex assemblies. Controlled by dial box buttons, this easy-to-use tool provides a dynamic scanning plane for visually sweeping the entire assembly or a particular subassembly. The user simultaneously follows both the complete, three dimentional screen view of an object and a dymanic, two-dimentional scan of a particular section. Mounting and dismounting of parts can be followed along a specific path to detec potential collision areas. Each component of the assembly is moved step-by-step and its position is recorded. The scene is then replayed with the active scanning plane to check for interference. With MEGAVISION, the designer can interactively validate even the largest, most complex assemblies in real time.
Vincent Dagot
MATRA Datavision, Inc. 31Ave de la Baltique - B.P. 71 Parc d'Activites de Courtaboeuf 91954 Les Ulis Cedex, &lbreak;France 011-33-1-6982-2400 fax:011-33-1-6446-0213