PhotoCam(tm) Digital Camera

PhotoCam(tm) consists of a digital camera and image processing software. The PhotoCam(tm) digital camera packs all of its power into a rugged unit that's small, lightweight and battery operated. PhotoCam(tm) can store up to 32 grayscale images in the camera and these digital images can then be downloaded into Sun workstations directly without a frame grabber board. The image processing software allows the user to view, enhance, retouch and print the images. The image can be saved in TIFF, XWD, and EPS file formats. This product is ideal for image databases and desktop publishing. In addition, the PhotoCam has direct interface to Pictronics' DigitalPhoto image editing software and EasyScan Image Scanning System.

Darwin Kuan

Vice President, Marketing
Pictronics Corporation
1475 Saratoga Avenue
Suite 160
San Jose, CA 95129