Photometrics Professional Programmer's Kit (PPK) is designed for those who wish to develop their own custom software for the PXL(tm) camera system. PPK consists of the necessary drivers to enable the software to run on either Windows, Macintosh, Sun or SGI platforms. Also included are sample program with complete source code, documentation, applications notes, technical support and PVCAM(tm).
PPK will be of particular use to VARs and OEMs who wish to integrate PXL into a larger system, especially if software has already been written for that system. PPK will also benefit those who wish to control PXL along with several other instruments as part of an experimental setup.
Emilio Yanine
Software Products Manager Photometrics Ltd. 3440 E. Britianna Drive Suite 100 Tucson, AZ 85706 USA 602-889-9933 fax:602-573-1944 eyanine@photomet.mhs.compuserve