VIZART. Image Tools(tm) 3.0

WEILAND's VIZART. Image Tools(tm) let you manipulate and convert images in various ways. Most widely-used image file formats are supported. Picture data can be scaled using a high quality image resampling algorithm, rotated, merged with an alpha channel and much more. You can preview images, and send them to the Silicon Graphics VideoFramer and Galileo boards and various other devices (Accom WSDs, Mitsubishi Colorsublimation Printers and Mirus FilmPrinters - see VIZART. Image Tools for Mirus FilmPrinters). You can use VIZART. from the command line, generate shell scripts for sequences of images, or use a graphical user interface.

Hans Weiland

WEILAND Digital Media GmbH
Neubaugasse 36
Vienna, A-1070