The Torque FITServer(tm) speeds up the printing process for FITS Imaging's renowned Live Picture application. Torque FITServer sends the final file to a Silicon Graphics workstation or server for quick processing. The rasterized, or RIPed file can then be printed out on a number of imagesetters, proofers, poster printers, and film recorders. Electronic prepress and graphics professionals using Live Picture on one or more Macintoshes, who need to print fast, high-quality posters, films, proofs, and slides use the FITServer.
Components: Torque FITServer software, any Macintosh running Live Picture, any Silicon Graphics (R4000 and higher) workstations or server running IRIX 5.2 with at least 64MB RAM and 1GB HDD.
Jennifer Scafe
Marketing & Sales Assistant Torque Systems, Inc. 825 Emerson Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 USA 415-321-1200 fax:415-321-1298