Visilog(R) using X-Windows(tm)/Motif(tm) as a graphic interface, offers a fully interactive, mouse-driven interface to more than 350 IP functions, as well as a set of on-line development tools. The look and feel of the graphic interface can be modified using the "resources" ASCII files.
Visilog is also a software library. User-defined algorithms can be easily prototyped using the symbolic debugger, then compiled and included in the kernel.
Visilog drives various kinds of acquisition boards or image processor engines connected through the VME bus. Additional packages that can be added include pattern recognition, Fast/3D morphology, and 3D reconstruction.
Olivier Bommart
Marketing Manager Noesis Parc Technologique de Saclay 4 Rue Rene Razel Orsay, 91892 France 011-33-1-34-65-08-95 fax:011-33-1-34-65-99-14