CADleaf Plus REDliner

CADleaf Plus REDliner combines all the functionality of CADleaf Viewer and in its purest sense, CADleaf Redliner is viewing and redlining (browsing and markup) of electronic graphic data - Vector: DWG, IGES, DXF, HPGL, HPGL2, CalComp 906/907 and CGM files. Raster: CCITT gp4 Type I & II, TIFF, Sun Raster, PPM & GIF. CADleaf Redliner allows the viewing and annotation of data in an electronic format, across multiple systems, regardless of the originating system or department. Various departments can Redline a drawing and save it on different layers in vector or raster form to send back to the CAD systems or to a drawing depository for change controls.

Bryan DiAntonio

Product Manager
Carberry Technology, Inc.
600 Suffolk Street
Lowell, MA 01854