ISee(R) is a digital image processing software package that lends quantitative processing and analysis capabilities to SGI workstations. Through ISee(R) and its graphical user interface, researchers can measure the sizes, shapes, densities, structures, and intensities of objects in either a static field or a time-lapse sequence.
Inovision often uses ISee(R) as a building block, integrating the analytical software with powerful SGI workstations and laboratory hardware into an imaging system that meets the user's specific needs. The analytical capabilities of ISee(R) can be enhanced by optical software packages which are ideal for demanding biological research in ion activity and Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization. Once a component of an imaging system, ISee(R) can control any system peripheral, whether a motorized table, filter wheel, or cooled CCD camera.
Michael A. McMinn
Vice President, Marketing Inovision Corporation 2810 Meridian Parkway Suite 148 Durham, NC 27713 USA 919-361-4609 fax:919-361-5876