LINscan for Epson ESC 800C

LINscan 2.08 connects two powerful systems: Silicon Graphics Workstations and the Epson A4 color scanner ESC 800C.

The software controls all scanner parameters like resolution (up to 1200 dpi), color depth (up to 24 bit), zooming, gamma and color correction. Scanned images can be saved in different formats like TIFF, IMG, PDF, Targa, TDI, RLA or PIC for easy integration in DTP programs and animation packages. LINscan also allows for conversions of images from other sources.

Features also include image sharpening, quantization and portrait to landscape rotation.

The scanner can be connected via an SCSI bus to the workstation.

Heike Giller

LINEAS Informationstechnik GmbH
Rebenring 33
Braunschweig, 38106