ArborText's TEX Full System includes TEX, TEX Preview, and DVILASER. TEX is a typesetting and composition language designed for documents that contain a high percentage of technical text. TEX can be used to produce display equations, complex page layouts, indexes and tables of contents, and foreign language text.
TEX Preview provides a convenient, on-screen method of examining documents prepared with TEX. It displays individual pages just as they will appear when printed.
After on-screen proofing, finished pages can be printed on a variety of output devices using ArborText's laser printer driver, DVILASER, which supports a wide variety of 300 dpi laser printers.
Faye Merrideth
Marketing Specialist ArborText, Inc. 1000 Victors Way Suite 400 Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2700 USA 313-996-3566 fax:313-996-3573