- Editor is a structured documentation system that allows users to create large and complex technical documents with integrated graphics, tables, and equations. Using ADEPT as its native file format, an ADEPT*Editor document is portable and can be reused in different formats. The editor interactively verifies that the author is correctly tagging a document at the outset, eliminating the costly, time-consuming, and error-prone process of retrofitting documents into valid ADEPT. As a CALS-compliant authoring system, ADEPT*Editor allows users to work with any DTD. Users can create new DTDs or import existing ones and install them into ADEPT*Editor themselves, rather than waiting for a software vendor to supply them.
Faye Merrideth
Marketing Specialist
ArborText, Inc.
1000 Victors Way
Suite 400
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2700