Crosfield Interface for Contex

This bidirectional interface is used by printers and trade shops that have Crosfield pre-press systems. Images that are scanned into the Crosfield system are transferred to Contex for fast page assembly, tinting, trapping, and compositing. The final trapped file is then sent to the Crosfield system for plotting. For both Studio 800 and 9500 users, Contex performs the compositing function on the Silicon Graphics(R) workstation and produces a plotter-ready file. The benefit is offloading the Crosfield system from Ripping PostScript(R) and stripping pages, thus freeing it for profitable color retouching.

Fred Harrison

Marketing Communications Mgr
Contex Prepress Systems
101 Edgewater Drive
Wakefield, MA 01880-1291
617-245-4100 X5733