Crosfield(tm) link to Silicon Graphics

Crosfield(tm) link to Silicon Graphics will be used in primarily the Graphic Arts market. The product is a direct link for the Crosfield high end rotary drum scanner. It allows the Silicon Graphics user to input high resolution color separations directly to the work station. The interface is bidirectional, in that a graphic image can be manipulated or retouched on the workstation, then sent back to the scanner for screened film exposure.

This is the first version of the product. The interface software and hardware is included with the product. It can be used in conjunction with any software that uses or supports RGB TIFF, CMYK, DCS and EPSF file formats.

Phil Wolf

Tech. Mgr, Image Capture
Barley Mill Plaza
Bldg. 15-2110
Wilmington, DE 19899-0015