Output final Contex jobs to Agfa Imagesetters on-line from Contex Prepress systems. Contex sends high resolution CT and linear to the imagesetter marking engine via a fast plotting workstation system (Dotbox), bypassing lengthy PostScript Rip times. Mac and PC PostScript files can also be sent to the imagesetter directly, either through the Agfa PostScript Rip (such as the Multistar 400 or 600), or the optional PostScript Rip that resides on a Contex Dotbox at the imagesetter. This workflow enables the user to send desktop files directly to the imagesetter that are not required to go through the Contex system for page assembly or retouching. Precise screening is provided by Mega-cell screening algorithms comparable to traditional screening techniques.
Fred Harrison
Marketing Communications Mgr Contex Prepress Systems 101 Edgewater Drive Wakefield, MA 01880-1291 USA 617-245-4100 X5733 fax:617-246-6263