PVSD(c) is used by geologists, reservoir engineers and hydrodynamicists to interpret pressure flow regimes in the subsurface. The primary focus of the software would be for use in finding commercially viable oil and gas reservoirs.

An analyst supplies to PVSD a data set containing drill stem test data such as pressure, sub-surface depth, oil, gas, condensate, water and mud recoveries as well as contaminants. The analyst then interacts with a display of pressure versus subsea depth; interpreting pressure gradients of the various constituents and ultimately isolating pressure regimes. The flexibility of the user interaction, the types of displays and the different kinds of geological and reservoir data that can be assimilated are the main features of the software.

PVSD is marketed by the authors of the software. PVSD version 1.00 will run on Microsoft Windows and X-Windows/Motif environments. Platforms include PC, SGI and Sun.

Available September 1995

John Hitchner

Hitchner Exploration Services Limited
120, 1035 7 Ave. SW
Calgary, Alberta T2P 3E9