INTEGRA - Geophysical 3-D Modeling Package

INTEGRA is a suite of modules for forward and inverse modeling of three dimensional complex geological structures from seismic data. The INTEGRA modules are:

- GEOBLD-MDLSRF: an interactive geological model builder

- RAY3D: 3-D seismic ray tracing for simulating reflection and refraction seismic, well-to-well tomography and Vertical Seismic Profiling.

- GEOMAP/FLEXIN: Automatic mesh generator

- GeoFLEX: Finite element elastic wave equation solver

- TIME-TO-DEPTH: Map migration of stacked travel time data

- FULINV: Nonlinear travel time inversion of picked, pre-stack travel time data.

Languages: FORTRAN 77, C, X-11 graphics. UI: Sun OPENLOOK.

Available early 1995

Victor Pereyra

Weidlinger Associates, Inc.
4410 El Camino Real
Suite 110
Los Altos, CA 94022