
SGM(tm) (Strategic Geocellular Modeling) provides state-of-the-art technology for characterizing reservoir heterogeneities. The system uses stratigraphic patterns to generate a three-dimensional framework of cells within layers. These layers define stratigraphically equivalent well-data intervals and ensure geologically sound interpolations that are constrained by key reservoir features. SGM(tm) acts as a data repository for up to 100 reservoir attributes that are simultaneously available for modeling operations using complex equation parsing, conditional operations, and Boolean logic. The system enables geoscientists to calculate accurate volumetrics, perform permeability transforms, summarize net sand maps, and perform other necessary reservoir tasks. SGM(tm)'s ability to quantify reservoir qualities makes it the perfect tool for generating data for fluid-flow simulation or for other field maintenance programs.

Larry Denver

Vice President
Stratamodel, Inc.
9801 Westheimer
Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77042