GeoTracker 3.0 is the Open Systems 3-D Visualization system of choice for the oil and gas exploration ad production sectors, for investigating amplitude, impedance, AVO, velocity or any other data described by a point-sampled 3-D grid. Using transparency, GeoTracker 3.0 gives insight into 3-D structural and stratigraphic relationships, and speeds interpretation with greater confidence. GeoTracker 3.0 provides a continuous navigation display; amplitude anomolies, flat spots and channels are all easily seen and extracted; horizons can be generated, imported and exported;volume packet statistics and maps can be exported. Faults and wells can be inserted into the 3-D cube.
GeoTracker 3.0 is GeoShare compatible.
Fairfield Imaging is Landmark Open Works developer.
Pre-requisites: IRIX 4.0.5F+.
David L. Cram
Sales & Marketing Director Fairfield Imaging Ashdown Court The Square Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5EZ UK 011-44-342-82-55-43 fax:011-44-342-82-55-91 100042,