Stategic Scene Generation Model (SSGM)(tm)

The Strategic Scene Generation Model (SSGM)(tm) Release 6.0 provides the capability to generate two-dimensional, time-sequenced images and data to support the design and development of remote sensing systems. Output spans the visible through infrared portion of the spectrum. Output images consist of natural (e.g. terrain, cloud) backgrounds with embedded foreground elements (e.g. missiles).

An easy-to-use Graphical User Interface creates scene-sequence scenario input. Based on the scenario, the SSGM(tm) generates required databases and renders the output. Additional tools are provided to display and analyze output images.

SSGM(tm) requires an SGI with at least 2GB of disk space.

William Cornette

Senior Staff Scientist
Photon Research Associates, Inc.
10350 N. Torrey Pines Road
Suite 300
La Jolla, CA 92037-1020