
Hedera(tm) is an integrated system for deterministic modeling and analysis of vertical stratigraphic sequences (well data), basin cross-sections and area using various basin modeling techniques. Powerful modeling is combined with sophisticated data handling and sensitivity analysis using object-oriented techniques, superb graphics and an easy-to-use windowed environment.

Hedera(tm) encompasses: crustal and structural modeling,

sedimentary basin filling, palinspastic reconstruction,

decompaction and backstripping of sedimentary layers,

thermal history modeling: heat flow, temperature gradient, inverse modeling from thermal indicators, fluid flow modeling (compaction and thermal history effects), basin and formation maturity assessment, hydrocarbon generation modeling (kinetic and mass balance), prediction of migration pathways,

trap identification

Christine Rickett

Commercial Services Consulting
ERC Ltd.
Anglers Court
33-44 Spaittal Street
Marlow, Bucks SL7 1DB