SURPAC2(c) has the necessary software tools to assist Surveyors, Mining Engineers and Geologists to evaluate, design and mine orebodies for any type of mining operation. SURPAC2(c) can be used from the initial exploration stages through to evaluation, mining and finally rehabilitation stages of a mining project. Mining operations in which SURPAC2(c) is found include Underground and Open cut for coal and metalliferous mines and also numerous quarrying operations.
The requirements of survey, geology and mine engineering are integrated so that sharing of data between different disciplines requires no effort.
If you require a software package that is easy to learn and use for mining or mining related applications, then you should be using SURPAC2(c).
Steve Carter
Manager, R&D SURPAC Software International 330 Warnock Street North Rockhampton, Queensland 4701 Australia 011-61-07-926-1995 fax:011-61-07-926-1971