DLPS/WellTie is a comprehensive log-based interpretation system with major functions in log editing, synthetic seismograms, synthetic section modeling, AVO modeling, VSP modeling, petrophysical analysis, stratigraphic modeling, cross-section construction, and log correlation.
DLPS/WellTie has many features that greatly enhance the geologist's ability to construct cross-sections. Theses features include data management, display versatility, and horizon entry and editing. All of the tools available in DLPS/WellTie free the user from the time-consuming steps of data manipulation and drafting, thus increasing productivity and allowing more time for interpretation.
Robert G. Malone
Operations Manager CogniSeis Development, Inc. 2401 Portsmouth Houston, TX 77098 USA 713-630-3807 fax:713-630-3968 malone@cogniseis.com