EAGLES-ULTRA uses interactive color graphics and advanced scheduling methods to simplify underground mine design and sequencing. The purpose is to assist the engineer in becoming more productive by automating tedious drafting and calculation tasks. ULTRA allows integration of the geologic model with mine planning to provide estimates of tonnage as well as important quality parameters. The mine layout portion of ULTRA uses computer-aided graphics techniques for quick design and modification of new or existing mine plans. Previously designed panels can be used by selecting them from a panel library; the selected panels can be modified to suit the new layout. Various pillar configurations (herringbone, chevron, etc.) can be automatically generated. Crew assignment and animation sequencing provides easy and quick evaluation of the plan.
Gene Rosenlund
Marketing Manager MINEsoft Ltd. 165 S. Union Boulevard Suite 510 Lakewood, CO 80228 USA 303-980-5300 fax:303-969-0022