Oil explorations, geophysicists, and geologists use this product; it is especially poular in the petroleum industry. IntelliMap(tm) v1.0 cuts costs related to acquiring and analyzing data it is a map building and analyzing tool.
Requirements: MS-DOS 3.2 or higher, Microsoft Windows 3.0 or higher, color monitor, mouse, 4 MB memory or greater, 1.22 or 1.44 MB floppy drive. For the SUN: Motif Window Manager 1.1, OpenWindows 2.0 or more, SUNOS 4.1x, tape drive.
Runs on SUN, PC, Solborne, DECstation, RS/6000
Developed in conjunction with TRW.
Shannon Moore
Sales Account Manager Green Mountain Geophysics, Inc. 1800 38th Street Suite 100 Boulder, CO 80301 USA 303-444-6925 fax:303-444-8632 shannon@gmg.com