
MESA(tm) v1.2 stands for Model-Evaluate-Shoot-Analyze, an advanced 3D survey design and quality control application, used extensivley in oil exploration. With Windows and Motif interfaces, it runs on IBM compatible PC (DOS 5.0 with Windows 3.1 or higher), SUN/Sparc (SUN OS 4.1.x. SOLARIS 1.x or higher with Motif 1.1 window manager), and IBM RS/6000 (AIX 3.2 with motif 1.1 or higher).

Offers add on modules: MESA TIFF, MESA Geologic Modeling, and MESA Noise Modeling. Developed in conjunction with Seismic Image Software, Ltd.

Shannon Moore

Sales Account Manager
Green Mountain Geophysics, Inc.
1800 38th Street
Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80301