LCT, Gravity and Magnetics Software

2MOD contains: Two and two-and-a-half-dimensional gravity/ magnetic field modeling program, Talwani-type polygonal bodies are used to model the geologic cross section, real-time calculation and display of model changes, computes potential field along irregular surfaces.

SHADREL contains: Real-time color and gray-scale shade relief display of gridded data, provides vertical exaggeration and contrast streching, enhances subtle trends and linenations with interactive digitizing.

GRIDPRO contains: Data processing system for gridded gravity/magetic data, interpolates randomly spaced data to rectangular grids, interactive graphic tools for displaying, editing, processing, and merging grids, supports muliple input file formats, contours gridded data.

GRIDPRO files are compatible with LCT's interpretation software.

James Briggs

Chief Scientist
University of Houston
Department of Chemistry
4800 Calhoun Road
Houston, TX 77204-5641