SMIGS(R) is a string-based, 3D, computer-aided design system for Civil works designers. Developed by the technical computing company, CEANET in Australia, SMIGS(R) has achieved wide acceptance in many markets and for many applications. Used for surveying, digital data capture, design, earthworks volumetrics and all phases through the complete project documentation, SMIGS(R) provides a complete solution for all civil works requirements. Applications include design of Airports, Railways, Urban and Rural Roads, Highways, Toll Motorways, Dams, Golfcourses, Site works and Landscape Architecture, quarrying, photogrammetry and mine volumetrics. SMIGS(R) key benefits are the speed of its Graphical User Interface, the power to handle models of unlimited size and complexity, and the ease with which new users can become fully productive.
Robert Christie
SMIGS Sales Manager CEANET Pty Ltd. 4/56 Berry Street North Sydney, NSW 2060 Australia 011-61-2-922-6311 fax:011-61-2-922-5118