MAINWin is a cross-development environment that provides the MFC and Windows API libraries for UNIX. Source code developed with C or Visual C++ is compiled on SGI workstations producing high performance native RISC code.
Developers can reach the Windows and UNIX markets with a single source code base. End users have the choice to interface to the applications with either the Windows or the Motif look and feel.
Open GL on NT will be a supported feature of MAINWin, allowing these applications to migrate to more powerful systems from SGI. All markets can use this technology. Some current customers are Synopsys, electronic design applications; Enterprise, finite element modeling; and Control Data, meteorological processing.
Anne Dor
Strategic Relations MainSoft Corporation 1270 Oakmead Parkway Suite 310 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA 408-774-3422 fax:408-774-3404