MATLAB(tm) Control System Toolbox

The MATLAB(R) Control System Toolbox works with MATLAB numeric computation software to provide comprehensive functionality for control system design and analysis. It includes ÒclassicalÓ transfer function and ÒmodernÓ state-space control and estimation techniques, plus time-domain and frequency domain responses, feedback gain selection and model properties calculation. The optional Robust-Control Toolbox adds advanced ÒrobustÓ multivariable feedback design methods. The Toolboxes are delivered as MATLAB M-files, enabling the user to see the algorithms and implementations, as well as to make changes or create new functions to address a specific application.

Brian Bourgault

Development Specialist
The MathWorks, Inc.
24 Prime Park Way
Natick, MA 01760-1500
508-653-1396 X322