SL-GMS is a toolkit for developing dynamic graphics screens for real-time or highly interactive applications. Nonprogrammers can design application screens in a standard drawing-tool mode, connect them to real-time data sources, and animate screen objects to visualize changing data values. SL-GMS allows the design of custom "GISMOs" to input values or control the application and supports Motif(tm) and other X toolkit widgets.
SL-GMS is used extensively to provide real-time graphics for applications in the fields of manufacturing, process control, network management, avionics, financial trading, and transportation.
Christopher Wilson
Vice President, Business Developmen SL Corporation 240 Tamal Vista Blvd. Suite 110 Corte Madera, CA 94925 USA 415-927-1724 fax:415-927-2931 uunet!gandhi!chris