
CASEVision/ClearCase is the most comprehensive version control and software configuration management system for networks of heterogeneous UNIX(R) workstations. It provides enhanced version control for every type of UNIX file, and delivers transparent file access to dynamically selected versions. Transparency allows developers to create and manage independent workspaces without links or copies. Using Makefiles, CASEVision/ClearCase automatically records complete build information, including file version, tools, and options--guaranteeing rebuildability. CASEVision/ClearCase offers parallel building across multiple machines, and shares resulting binaries across entire projects. Designed for teams of any size, CASEVision/ClearCase delivers reliable, seamless interoperation across all supported platforms. It is integrated with CASEVision/Workshop(tm).

Sabrina Rankin

Marketing Coordinator
Atria Software, Inc.
24 Prime Park Way
Natick, MA 01760