POPLOG-Neural provides an environment for learning about, designing, developing, and training neural networks. POPLOG-Neural uses optimized Fortran routines to perform calculations representing the propagation of stimuli through the net. The highly interactive POPLOG interface is used to assist in designing the network configuration. During training, adjustments to the weights between network nodes are presented dynamically within a graphical display of the neural network. The changing network activation display provides insight into the progress of learning within the network.
POPLOG-Neural is integrated with ISL's multilanguage development tool, POPLOG, whose incremental, highly interactive mode of working is now available for developers and users of neural networks.
Matthew Colebourne
Business Development Manager Integral Solutions Ltd. 3 Campbell Court Bramley Basingstoke, Hants RG26 5EG UK 011-44-256-882028 fax:011-44-256-882182