
POPLOG-flex implements the Prolog-based AI toolkit flex(tm), developed by Logic Programming Associates. It combines high-level support for frames with multiple inheritance and forward-chaining to provide expert system shell facilities, while retaining the power and elegance of Prolog programming. POPLOG-flex is integrated with ISL's multilanguage development tool POPLOG, whose high-productivity, incremental mode of working is now available to flex users.

POPLOG-flex provides frame-based knowledge representation with data slots, multiple inheritance, procedural attachment, built-in predicates providing question and explanation facilities, access to functions written in C, Fortran, etc., and full integration with POPLOG-Prolog. An English-like knowledge specification language allows experts to read and validate the knowledge.

Matthew Colebourne

Business Development Manager
Integral Solutions Ltd.
3 Campbell Court
Basingstoke, Hants RG26 5EG