Portable IRIS Inventor(tm)

Portable IRIS Inventor(tm) allows IRIS Inventor-based 3-D applications to run on workstations from Hewlett-Packard and Sun Microsystems without source code changes. IRIS Inventor is an easy-to-use, object oriented toolkit for developing interactive 3-D graphics applications with IRIS GL. It offers a comprehensive solution to traditional programming problems by providing a new model based on a 3-D scene database. IRIS Inventor includes a rich set of objects and editors that speed up programming time and extend your 3-D programming capabilities. Portable IRIS Inventor uses NPGL to run applications at accelerated speeds on HP Series 700 and Sun SPARCstation workstations.

Shelly St. John

Portable Graphics, Inc.
1 Technology Center
2201 Donley Drive
Suite 365
Austin, TX 78758