Portable OpenGL(tm) is a conformance-compliant, interperable implementation of OpenGL(tm) for Sun SPARCstation and HP Series 700 workstations. It fully exploits the speed and graphics capability offered by Sun and HP accelerators, and supports indirect and direct rendering for optimum performance and application design flexibility. Moving an OpenGL(tm) application to the Sun or HP environment is as easy as recompiling the source code. Portable OpenGL(tm) is also a powerful programming interface for developing new 2-D and 3-D graphics applications. Moreover, Portable OpenGL(tm) complements NPGL(tm) by giving you the convenience of running IRIS GL and OpenGL(tm) applications on the same system.
Shelly St. John
Sales Portable Graphics, Inc. 1 Technology Center 2201 Donley Drive Suite 365 Austin, TX 78758 USA 512-908-4700 fax:512-832-0752 glware@portable.com