The Nonlinear Control Design (NCD) Toolbox, is the first GUI-based tool that uses simulation to automate tuning of controller parameters within nonlinear block diagrams. Users can graphically create constraints for their desired performance through point-and-click interactions. Advanced optimizaion algorithms then adjust parameter values through multiple simulations. Multiple controller gains within a system can be tuned, including PID, LQR, LQG and H-infinity structures. The NCD Toolbox also enables designers to accommodate uncertainties and variations of design components by applying Monte Carlo simulations. This aids in designing robust controllers for systems whose behavior may vary due to manufacturing tolerance variations or component wear duing a product's life-cycle.
Brian Bourgault
Development Specialist The MathWorks, Inc. 24 Prime Park Way Natick, MA 01760-1500 USA 508-653-1396 X322 fax:508-653-2997