ParaSoft Portable FORTRAN 90 allows the compilation and execution of Fortran 90 programs on most UNIX machines. This latest version is an implementation of the ISO standard that includes many popular extensions, while retaining the I/O of the native FORTRAN 77 compiler to allow reading or writing the same files from either FORTRAN 77 or FORTRAN 90 programs. The CM FORTRAN library is also supported for increased functionality.

The PF90 product from ParaSoft integrates very well with major FORTRAN 77 compilers providing immediate access to the benefits of new FORTRAN 90 features including array operations, array intrinsics, modules, pointers, recursive and internal procedures, implicit none, new source and control constructs, symbolic relational operators, kind type parameters new non-array intrinsics, plus many common extensions currently found in existing FORTRAN 77 compilers.

Arthur Hicken

Marketing Manager
ParaSoft Corporation
2500 E. Foothill Boulevard
Suite 205
Pasadena, CA 91107